
Spades Fab Shop

Built Not Bought in the USA

The Spades Fab Shop Identity boasts razor-sharp edges and sleek, refined curves that cut through the noise with precision. It's a brand that commands attention in the realm of high-end custom fabrication. Tasked with capturing the essence of the owner's relentless motto of "Built Not Bought," we eagerly embarked on constructing their identity system, layer by layer, with an unwavering commitment to technical excellence.


Brand Strategy
Brand Guidelines
Visual Identity
Brand Support

Razor Sharp edges
and Sleek Refined Curves

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Unyielding Versatility: Conquering Every Environment

In the case of Spades Fab Shop, recognizing the vital role of adaptability was essential. This emphasizes the logo's power to thrive across diverse platforms, target audiences, and changing environments. This is the secrets behind conquering any environment with unyielding versatility.

Client: Adidas

Focus: Concept, Creative Direction, Design, Illustrations, Technical Strategy, Frontend Development, Backend Development

2016 – 2018

After years in the in­du­stry, our client be­came in­creas­ingly dis­traught by the dis­con­nect betwe­en hotel manage­ment sys­tems and the actual needs of hotels and their staff. The sys­tems were com­plex, cumber­some and built on out­dated soft­ware para­digms not al­low­ing hotel staff to focus on what’s impor­tant — their guests. This in­sight led to the per­haps blunt, but to the point brief: Design the future of hotel manage­ment.

With the ambition to disrupt an indu­stry with an intel­ligent hotel manage­ment system we tap­ped in to the vast exp­erience of our client and dev­elop­ed a thesis on how a modern take on user exp­erience could lit­eral­ly deliver indus­try re­defin­ing func­tion­ality. On this found­ation we ideated and benchmarked our find­ings with func­tion­al proto­types tested in real world scen­arios with real on the ground in­du­stry profes­sionals. From this we set out to build the actual prod­uct — the min­i­mum lovable service — a system built on a modern tech stack that al­lowed us to con­text­ual­ise our persona based ap­proach with an honest an pur­pose­ful modern design system which was op­ti­mised for max­imum mod­ul­arity, scalab­il­ity and usa­bil­ity. Our final in­sight, which lead to the real­isa­tion that the sys­tem itself should dic­tate the brand iden­ti­ty, was that the exp­erience of the system is the iden­ti­ty, which in turn gave birth to the com­pany name — Intellotel.

Brand Identity
Design System
User Experience
User Research
System Development
API Development
System Integration
Max Mustermann
CEO & Partner
+49 346783904
VISIT — Munich
Nymphenburger Str. 105
80636 Munich